Friday, October 6, 2017

10A – Elevator Pitch No. 1

Link to youtube!


  1. Hey Will. Great elevator pitch. It was clear and to the point. This really helped me to understand what service your offering, and why it is needed for people who are looking for a new board. I had no idea how expensive wake boards could be, and if I participated in the sport, I would definitely want to try one before spending $500 or more on buying it.

  2. Hey Will,
    Great Job on the pitch! I know it was a hard assignment for me so I think you did a great job!
    You definitely described the problem to where I could thoroughly understand it but also not too in depth. Also, you gave some good information about the cost of the board which definitely makes me realize the importance of picking the right board at that price. Further you gave a great description of how the service would work which was very important to me.
    Thanks, Zach L.
