Friday, October 13, 2017

14A – Halfway Reflection

              There are a few behaviors that I have learned and modified to help me get along with this course. One of the behaviors that I learned was looking at things differently and seeing the other side of things. Some of the behaviors that I have modified are time management and planning.
              There was a time when I felt like I just couldn’t get it all done in time so my initial thought was why do it at all then. But, I sat down and focused and got all of my work done with time to spare. I feel like I have gained tenacious attitude over the past two months because of my willingness to not quit. I get this from playing football in high school and holding myself accountable for my actions and setting high standards.
              Three tips that I would give to next semesters student about tenacity and having a tenacious mindset are time management. With this you will stay on top of your work allowing you to get things done in time and understand the topics. The next would be passion, when doing the assignments think about them and really give it your all. And the last is communication, talk with others so you can see their ideas and gain more knowledge about the material and the subject.

1 comment:

  1. Hey Will,
    I couldn’t agree more with what you had to say about this course. I feel that your three tips were spot on. I found that time management was the biggest one for me. The assignments for this class must be started early in order to completely them fully and successfully, so figuring this out and planning ahead was huge for me. I also agree with the recommendation to give each assignment your all. I feel that by doing this for this class I have gained skills or at least improved some that will help me in my future endeavors.
    Thanks, Zach L.
