Friday, October 20, 2017

16A –What’s Your Secret Sauce?

Describe five ways in which you think you have human capital that is truly unique.

One of the five is that I can be very competitive while still taking consideration for others. I have played sports my whole life and have really been able to develop this skill.  

Another is that I have had an internship in my projected field of employment. Working for UBS has shown me the real business world.

I can also communicate well from my internship. I talked with hundreds of people, made connections, and talked with large businesses.

I’m also a very trustworthy person. When someone asks me to do something they can trust me to do it and not have to worry about the outcome.

Lastly, I’m very dedicated to things and passions that I enjoy. When it is something that I care for it will be a top priority.

Interview the five people who know you the best.

Mom- Within this interview I was able to see some more characteristics about myself that I usually would not have seen before. While talking to her the one skill that kind of surprised me was that she said I was versatile. Growing up I did as much as possible and was always trying new things.

Dad- While doing this interview with my dad he said some of the same comments that my mom did. But, the new one that he said was very quick minded and that I can think on my feet. He was saying that whenever I got into a situation I would always be the first one to think of a solution.

Best Friend- He really gave me some good points of things that I would usually not call myself. The one that he said though was loyal. He said that I always had his back for everything and he knew that he could always count on me no matter the situation.

Best Friend’s Dad- He said that I’m very outgoing. When we are on vacation I will always try and make everyone laugh or try and keep everything flowing. Also, when we are trying something new I will always be the first one to try it or be right at the front to take part in it.

Roommate- This response I was not expecting and that is organized. He was talking about how I always knew where everything was at and would always put things back in their place. I would keep things running and keep it all in line.

Reflect on the differences.

When looking at all of the information there are differences. When I gave the list of myself these were the things that I saw the most. When talking to the other people I knew about these characteristics but they were not a top priority. After they gave me the instances when they happened I could remember that moment. The differences were caused by the way people look at me compared to the way that I look at myself. I feel like what they are saying was correct and I would not make any changes to my list.


  1. Hey Will. I think that the five ways you describe yourself to have human capital are very important. Being competitive is something I personally am not, but it is necessary in the business world. Also the fact that you have interned in your projected field of employment is extremely helpful and something I wish I could do when I get around to an internship. Similar to you, during and after my interviews, I came to the conclusion that people see me differently then I see myself.

  2. Hey Will,

    The five types of human capital that you listed all seem like very desirable attributes to have, and I believe that they will take you far in whatever you choose to do. I think that your roommate mentioning your organizational habits is huge because this shows good management in my opinion. I also found with my interviews that the way those close to me saw me was a little different than what I saw in myself. I think that these types of human capital that we possess will better help us now that we have analyzed them further.

    Thanks, Zach L.
