Friday, October 20, 2017

17A – Elevator Pitch No. 2

When looking at the feedback from my first elevator pitch I was able to look and see what each person liked and what they found interesting. I thought that it was interesting that both comments said that they did not realize how much they cost.  I changed up the intro a little bit to find a common ground with people and some of the things they would see. Or things they would do when going in to look at buying a board and bindings. Then both comments dealt with the price so I made sure to be clear with that again. I tried to be a little more specific on the procedure of the wake demo itself. I also tried to keep it on the shorter side to not overbear the listener.These comments allowed for me to be able to tweak my first one into a more improved second version.


  1. Hey Will. Your second elevator pitch was very clear in explaining what exactly wake demo involves. You spoke at a great pace and made everything stand out, helping focus on the details. Also, the pitch in terms of length was perfect. It wasn't too long that a listener would get overwhelmed, but long enough to provide the necessary information. The only thing I think you should add is just introducing yourself at the beginning, as if you were speaking to investors. Nice job.

  2. Hey Will,

    I think that this new and improved elevator pitch is fantastic. The pace that you used while talking about your product was just right. It was not too fast but you also had enough time to effectively convey your message. This is something that I struggled with in mine so I think you did a great job setting an example for me. I also think that your closing statement was catchy and effective which leaves me with something to continually remind me about your product.

    Thanks, Zach L.
