Friday, October 6, 2017

11A – Idea Napkin No. 1

1). Hey everyone, my name is Will Shidler and I’m finance major. Some of my talents include wakeboarding and snowboarding. I have held an internship with UBS wealth management and that gave me some financial experience. Some of my skills include communication, awareness, and leadership. One day I hope to become a financial advisor. If I were to start this business I think it would play an important role in my life because I’m passionate about wakeboarding and I have done it for most of my life.

2). With this company you will be able to try board and boots before you buy it. Many people don’t know the factors of each combination of boards and bindings. So, with this company you could take home whatever combination of gear that you want without having to purchase it to try it and see if you like it or not.

3). This product is offered to people who are interested in watersports. Because of all the different factors when riding no two boards are the same. So, when you are out there if you didn’t have the chance to try it beforehand you might not like it.

4). People will pay money to use this service because it is helping them achieve what they want. With this company it is also helping them save money. The reason is because if you buy a cheap setup you will have to buy more setups. But, if you buy an expensive one and don’t like it you wasted money. This service allows you to get what you want at the price you are willing to pay.

5). With this service I stand out because once you use something outdoors you can’t take it back. Whereas with this company you get to ride the items of your choice to then see if you like that or not and still have the chance to return it.

With my ideas I feel like they do go together a little bit. There is some information and logistics that I’m still not too sure on. Also, there could be problems that I would face down the road that I wouldn’t know the answer too. Overall though I feel like most of my processes fit together because of only focusing on a specific group of people.


  1. Hey Will. I think you have a great idea for a specific group of people, like you said. I like that you admit that there are some things that you're still unsure about, but are confident in your idea nonetheless. It definitely solves a problem, but my only concern would be that if no one else has done this yet, what is the catch preventing them from implementing it.

  2. Hey Will,
    Again, I think you have a great idea and I have seen an idea like this offered in the music instrument world and it greatly increased sales so I see your service/store doing the same. I agree with you about realizing that there will be matters that we are not prepared for but I believe that is how we will learn and achieve. We are aware and ready for what might happen and therefore we will overcome these challenges.
    Thanks, Zach L.

  3. Will,

    I really like your idea for opening up a company that allows you to try different wake boards out before you buy them. I think that this is a great concept and a lot of people would use it, even those that are inexperienced. You could also consider including other water sports such as water skiing, kneeboarding, and surfing.
