Friday, September 29, 2017

9A Testing the Hypothesis, Part 2

After interviewing five more people I was able to learn more and see different sides to the story. Some people and companies could benefit from the new opportunity while other companies that were very similar would not benefit. From these responses I could see that many people were facing this issue when they were thinking of purchasing a new wakeboard and bindings.

The Who: Within my opportunity there are different cases where some will fall in it and others that will not. The average person looking to get into wakeboarding would have no clue but someone that knows what they are doing will still face problems because you can’t ride it before you buy it. Companies fall in the same category because they could have workers that know what they are doing or know nothing about it.

The What: There is no real connection to another need. But, if there was one it might be to cost too much because the more expensive things will usually cost more money.

The Why: There is an underling cause that differentiates people that are inside the boundary and outside and that is knowledge. When looking at things there are different compositions of boards and boots where you might look at one and not being experiences buy the worst product. Where if you know the different information, you can make a wise decision on the board and boots you choose.  

Inside the Boundary                                                                              Outside the Boundary
Who is In: Knowledge based customers                                   Who is Not: Average customer getting started
What the Need Is: Demo boards for comfort          What the Need is Not: A lesson on boards and bindings
Why the Need Exists: Testing for riding                Alternate Explanations: Try a board before you buy it to see if you like it                     


  1. Hey Will,
    Thanks for the more in-depth explanation. I could see where not everyone would benefit from this but I still believe that there is a large enough customer base for this to work. I also like the point you mentioned about the amount of knowledge about the sport contributing to the need and who it applies to. One thing I would critique on this assignment is that I don't see the interviews mentioned anywhere so I would like to hear how they influenced these responses.
    Thanks, Zach L.

  2. Hey Will. The group you identified as not benefiting was at first confusing to me, but then I thought from the perspective of someone who actually wakeboards. It makes sense that as someone who has never done it before, this wouldn't really benefit them because they are likely going to learn either with someone else's gear or with a fairly cheap and beginner board. While someone who is looking to buy a new board, who knows what their looking for, will benefit the most from being able to try out the board before buying it, simply because they know what they want, and can distinguish between different gear before buying it. I would only improve these results by describing more the people that you interviewed, and whether or not the were new to wakeboarding, or had done it before.

  3. Will,

    I think the idea for being able to try out the boards before you buy them would help significantly. I know that when you go to buy most things, you typically try them out before you invest money into them. So it would only make sense that you would do this for wakeboards too. I think having a place where there were a bunch of demo boards would be a very successful business strategy.
