Friday, October 27, 2017

19A – Idea Napkin No. 2

1). You: My main interests involve the outdoors and accomplishing my goals. Some of my talents are that I like to wakeboard, wakeskate, and snowboard. Some of my skills include listening and communication as well as hard work. With this business it would be my main focus and with everything that I do I always strive to have the best possible outcome.

2) What are you offering to customers? With this product you will be able to try out whatever wakeboard setup of your choice. Also, with this we would have special contracts with companies to allow for demo of brand new and expected material. This will give people a chance to ride a setup before they have to purchase it.

3) Who are you offering it to? All of my customers like watersports and are involved on the water. The main focus group are people that are constantly riding or looking to ride more and learning more. These people will focus on getting new material and trying to make a good purchase.  

4) Why do they care? The reason why they would care is because of the price of a wakeboard setup. Because they are so expensive many people could make the wrong purchase and not know it until 
they ride behind the boat.

5) What are your core competencies? The thing that sets me apart from everyone else is that you actually get to try the board out before you buy it. Also, I would have signed contracts with major board companies that would allow me to newer materials. This would set me apart from other companies because of the new materials.

With all of the information I feel like majority of the information does fit together but there are still some things that I wouldn’t be too sure of. I have found more ways to set me apart from other companies, but I would also face new challenges with customers or potential problems. There would be some weak with the plan due to potential customers riding the products. But, then there would be a policy set in place beforehand telling them the information.

Feedback Memo- The two things that I took away were that it was good to still have some questions and what would be a way that would really set me apart from other stores. So, I incorporated into the napkin special contracts with major companies as well as finding the solutions to some basic questions. But there still was the concept of keeping a little uncertainty for the future incidents.  

18A – Create a Customer Avatar

Prototypical Customer: The hobbies that my prototypical would usually enjoy would be the outdoors, exercising, and the water. Because of the type of activity someone needs to enjoy these hobbies because they all revolve around wakeboarding.  It is a wider customer base because of the amount of people that partake in the sport. They would drive your average Tahoe because this sport isn’t cheap. Some could have children that they are going to buy for or it could be the actual rider. When they are watching tv they will usually watch channels that deal with sport related activities. They also take pride in what they do and want to make sure they get the best option possible. They don’t want to settle for anything less.

After looking at the avatar I feel like I do have a little bit of a connection with them because this is something that I partake in. Because of being active in the sport I feel like some of these opinions were a little biased because I relate to the sport. Also, being around different people involved I can see what these people are like and how they act.   

Friday, October 20, 2017

17A – Elevator Pitch No. 2

When looking at the feedback from my first elevator pitch I was able to look and see what each person liked and what they found interesting. I thought that it was interesting that both comments said that they did not realize how much they cost.  I changed up the intro a little bit to find a common ground with people and some of the things they would see. Or things they would do when going in to look at buying a board and bindings. Then both comments dealt with the price so I made sure to be clear with that again. I tried to be a little more specific on the procedure of the wake demo itself. I also tried to keep it on the shorter side to not overbear the listener.These comments allowed for me to be able to tweak my first one into a more improved second version.