Friday, September 1, 2017

Bug List

Bug List:

1      1. On game days the traffic on archer is terrible getting off the interstate.
Because there are thousands of people coming to watch the game and there is only one major road leading into Gainesville.
2      2. The Geography of Africa class is always hot and humid.
It is an old classroom and the air-condition does not really work to well because of how many people walk in and out.
3      3. When you are driving on the interstate there is always someone driving slow in the left-hand lane heading back to Tampa from Gainesville.
When you are closer to Tampa there is a merge section on the left-hand side and there are always people nervous to get on in the fast lane.
4      4. The frozen aisles at the Original Carrollwood Publix are extremely cold.
They do this because they must meet safety standards and keep everything fresh.
5      5. The construction on I-275 takes an extremely long time to finish.
It takes so long to finish because they can only work from 11pm-5am since so many people drive on it during the day.
6      6. The buses always take a long time to get through Turlington and it makes the rides extremely long.
There are students crossing in the crosswalk and they have the right away so the bus must yield.
7      7. It is always really cold in the doctor’s office on Bearss Ave.
They do this to try and prevent germs from spreading and limit bacteria growth.
8      8. In the beginning of the school year Student Rec is always packed.
Students are trying to start new things at the beginning of the year and trying to go to the gym.
9      9. During the gator games, there is never any service in the swamp.
Because there are close to a hundred thousand people in there on their phones causing the servers to be slow.
1    10. On Moran Rd, they don’t need speed bumps they put them every fifty yards.
There is an elementary school one street over and a fair number of students walk home.  
1     11. When you are in the mall parking lot looking for a spot and a car is not pulled all the way in the spot.
Some cars have a low front end and it costs money to fix it if they were to hit the curb.
1     12. The Wi-Fi connection is extremely slow in The Standard.
There is a new network and they are trying to work out all the wires and the connection problems.
       13. There are never any seats open at library west.
Because it can only hold so many because of safety purposes and all the student go there to study.
1     14. The lines in Chick-fl-a are always extremely long in the Hub.
They have deals there for students and Turlington is one of the busiest places on campus.
1      15. On the interstate, the I-4 ramp is always backed up during rush hour and causes accidents.
The people going home from work all must merge from four lanes to one and only go 30 miles per hour.
1      16. There is no Wi-Fi on Carnival cruise ships and on Southwest.
They do not have a very good connection because of their remote location that they can travel.
1      17. There are never any seats open in my math class in McCarty Hall.
There is an option for you to watch it online but some of those students will come to class taking up extra seats.
1      18. The sprinklers are always running in The Standard which gets my stuff wet.
The Standard has new grass and plant that need water to grow trying to fix the problems in the piping.
1      19. You can never find a spot to park in the parking garage of The Standard.
The first five floors were sold to the other companies apart of the complex which causes us to only park on certain floors.
2      20. New jars of jelly are always hard to open because of how tight they are packaged.
Because they must be sealed tight to keep out bacteria and keep it fresh for customer use.

When doing this assignment some of them were easy to come up with because those happen to me daily. But others were a little more complicated to think of because they did not happen recently or they did not have a big impact towards me. Also, this assignment was a little challenging overall because I usually don’t look at situations this way. Thinking of the why part and coming up with the last few was the hardest part of this assignment.


  1. Hey Will. I think you did a great job on your bug list. The bugs you have toward the cold aisles in Publix and at a doctors office made me laugh because I always hate walking through those aisles in Publix, and just hate cold in general. Also some of your bugs on The Standard were interesting because I was looking for a place to stay on campus, and will keep them in mind. I had a little more trouble coming up with a list because I'm off campus for now, and I'm sure some of the bugs you mentioned I would also have. And I agree, the assignment was a little challenging because it presents a different way to look at situations. Great job though.

  2. Hi Will. I really enjoyed reading you bug list. It was interesting to see how many bugs I can relate to, mostly the ones pertaining to the traffic around town and also traveling home. I would have really liked to have heard more about bugs on the cruises you have taken or the places you have been. I have not been many places, so I think this would be a neat different perspective to hear about what bugs you in those situations.I agree about the last few bugs being hard. I too had to keep track of what bugged me over a few days in order to meet the 20 bug goal. Thanks Will.
