Friday, September 22, 2017

5A Identifying Local Opportunities

1). Title: The city fires two employees and two others resign over not reporting for work 4    LARGO         WORKERS LOSE JOBS OVER IRMA
             Description: You can only do so much to prepare for a hurricane. There are first responders and others that will help as much as possible during and after the storm. There were city workers of Largo that got fired and resigned because they did not show up to work to be with their family when the category 4 hurricane was about to hit. They wanted to try and protect their family and be as safe as possible.
            Problem: You are a dedicated employee but, you don’t show up to work in a category 4 hurricane so you get fired.
           Who: The people that face this problem are the first responders and the city workers. They are put in a very tough situation where they have to take care of their families while also trying to protect the city.

Description: Because of hurricane Irma many schools were shut down for days some even up to a week. This is leading to problems because of meeting the necessary needs for academic purposes. They are looking at ways to try and gain back some of their lost time but then this could reduce the amount of holidays they would have had during the year.
Problem: Students could be facing problems of schools closing for too long or having to come to school on a holiday to make up for lost time.
Who: The main people affected in this situation are the students but there is also a big effect on the teachers for trying to find new times to teach.

3). Title: Hillsborough says it's just the start of funds needed for overtime, cleanup, and repairs.  $1.25M APPROVED TO COVER IRMA COSTS
Description: Hurricane Irma is causing a lot of damage in the Tampa Bay area and more than expected. They are having to work more overtime and longer hours just to get the work done that they would usually do in 18 months. It will also cost more which will cause the state to use money that is set aside for other purposes.
Problem: We are having to use more money that we set aside for emergencies for cleanup purposes and others working overtime to help restore the daily structure of our lives.
Who: This is affecting everyone in the city of Tampa because this is their money. This is also affecting Tampa official’s because of trying to find the best ways to manage the damages and money.
Description: The widow attorney was very unhappy with what was going on in the case about her husband’s murder. They were trying to delay hoping for a better outcome for the defendant. With each delay, they were taking off more time and pushing it back where the defendant might become too sick or to possibly get a plea deal.
 Problem: People do not get the justice they deserve and will not receive the closure they need because others will try and get around every problem.
Who: The people that face this problem are the ones who want justice for others actions. It could be something with direct relation to you like this case or it could be something else that still has an impact on you.
Description: Many are in fear with Donald Trump and what he is going to do with the DACA. Many immigrants are here looking for work. But there are also thousands in schools and trying to get a higher education. They have grown up as American’s and are learning in our schools. They are worried that they will be forced to leave and return to their home country.
Problem: People that have been her for years and going to school and having normal lives will have to move back to their home country because Trump will get rid of the DACA.
Who: This really effects the families of immigrants. Because they are the focus under this program they are the ones being targeted. This will greatly affect their future lives because of not having the proper schooling.   


  1. Hi Will. Your articles remind me of my own. The majority concerning Irma and the others on law and politics. It was actually quite difficult for me to find anything not talking about Irma the week of this assignment, but it clearly is creating a lot of different problems all over. Your article on people being fired during Irma for not reporting to work was eye-opening. How can anyone think to fire someone before such a disaster, for not showing up to work. This just pisses me off for those people. Schools being shut down was a problem that affected us all most likely, but for me it was more the loss of power and Internet, causing more than a week of missed work. And the article on the cost to repair after Irma simply brings light to the amount of work and setback such a storm costs our governments, which I personally didn't realize before. I just wanted my power back. Anyway, great post. Thanks for sharing.

  2. Hey Will,
    First of all, I think that the articles you chose were all very interesting, especially the one about the workers being fired during the hurricane. That is absolutely insane and I hope that they can find justice for those workers. If I had to say one critique in regard to your post I would say that next time you should give a little more content in your summaries. You still give a clear outline of the article but I feel like there is more that could be shared.
    Thanks, Zach L.

  3. Will,
    I thought your article on the school's cutting time for hurricanes interesting. I believe that the schools suffer academically from lost time, however I do not believe that it is fair to cut a students vacation time to make up for school days. I think that in the case of a natural disaster, some of the less important academic curriculum should be cut from the schedule in order to stay on track for lost time.
