Friday, September 1, 2017

My Entrepreneurship Story

My entrepreneur story actually comes from within my family. My uncle grew up in a small town in Florida that deals heavily in agriculture and livestock. He grew up on a citrus farm and was constantly working using different types of machinery. As he grew older he started to see the need for certain things more than others based on his situation and location. He then took on the responsibility of opening is own Husqvarna shop. With this he had to learn many different things like managing employees and ways to expand his business. With all his shard work he has been able to get different licenses for selling different products like Yeti and all products Husqvarna. Also, because of this business he has been able to help other small farmers and business owners succeed. He helps sponsor events and other things to raise money for foundations and charitable purposes.

The reason I got into this class was because of my uncle and because of my problem-solving skills. After watching all my uncle has done and the people he has helped it would be nice to have something like that. Also, I know this isn’t a problem-solving class but I want to learn different ways to look at problems we face in our everyday life. Some of my ideas I think would be correct but I want to see other opinions and expand my options by learning new strategies.


  1. Hey Will. I enjoyed reading your story and that of your uncle. I had to look up what Husqvarna was because I honestly don't know anything about farming. Your uncle's entrepreneurship story and what he has done to help people is, like you said, something that I too feel would be nice to have. And stories such as his are what also inspire me to think of new solutions to problems around me. I hope this class goes well for you, and look forward to seeing more of your work.

  2. It is so neat to hear about your entrepreneurship story. My Grandfather lives in Michigan and cuts all his wood for winter time using only Husqvarna chainsaws, and swears by them because he loves the dealer near him. So its nifty to hear that your uncle must be similar to the man that helps my grandfather. As far as your reason for joining this class I have a similar interests or goals for this course. I would like to further my career in management and feel that the new techniques I learn in this class will help me in my endeavors.
