Wednesday, December 6, 2017

30A – Final Reflection

1). After this class there were no really low moments. I found all of the assignments very interesting and I learned a lot from this class. The fun moments in this class were all of the interaction with the students and finding out all of the new information.

2). The most memorable part of this class would be creating my own business idea. I feel like I will remember this for a long time and not forget to many details. What I’m most proud of accomplishing in this class is sticking with my idea and expanding it to the best possible thing it could be.

3). I feel like I have developed a more entrepreneurial mindset over this course. I was able to learn different things and look at situations from a different mindset. I also see myself more as an entrepreneur after taking this course.

4). One recommendation that I would give to future students is to put in the effort and to do the best that you can on every assignment.  


  1. Hey Will. I completely agree with you that sticking to an idea and seeing it through is something to be proud of. While this class did make it a requirement, it is easy to see that it is no easy task in any case. This definitely helped develop a more entrepreneurial mindset, and being able to give and receive feedback from each other was a large part of that. With that said, it was great following along with your idea, and I wish you luck in future endeavors.

  2. Hey Will,

    I like that your most memorable moment is that you created your own business idea. I had not really thought about this concept but now that I have it is pretty neat that we all did this and then even stuck with the same concept all semester long. I think that your advice to put all your efforts into the assignments is very true and really makes the difference in what someone will take away from this class.

    Thanks, Zach L.
