Friday, December 1, 2017

27A – Reading Reflection No. 3

The book that I chose to read about was How to Fail at Almost Everything and still Win Big by Scott Adams. I really liked his book and found a lot of the information really interesting. The general theme of the book was that you learn from your failures and that sometimes you fail a lot before you are able to succeed. The way that the book related to the class is that when doing my assignments usually my first and second ideas won’t work so I have to keep on trying till I finally get it. From this book I would create an assignment that revolved around new business keys to success and failures. This would give people advice on things to avoid when starting a new business. One of the things that really surprised me was that he talked about focusing on yourself. You can always worry about others or different things you need to put yourself first and then you will start to focus on other things with time.   


  1. Hey Will. I read this book as well and found it very interesting. It also does relate a lot to the prior assignment, celebrating failure, because as you mentioned it talks about failing over and over before finally succeeding. It is also surprising to me, how Adams talks about the importance of focusing on yourself, because I grew up learning to always put others first.

  2. Hey Will,

    I was thinking of reading this book so it was good to hear a little more about it. I read Mindset and it also had a quote that is similar to the take responsibility for yourself first that you mentioned. I think your lesson sounds like a good idea and I agree that I find myself failing a lot but have developed better resiliency from this class.

    Thanks, Zach L.

  3. Will,

    I have not yet read this book, however I think it looks very interesting. I like the comment about putting yourself first. I think that is a true statement for almost any entrepreneur.
