Friday, December 1, 2017

26A – Celebrating Failure

Over the summer I was able to spend a lot of time out on the water wakeboarding. I was riding behind my boat and my friends boat practicing new tricks. I would do all of my regular tricks like a frontside 180, backside 360, and backroll. But there was one trick that I just could not pull off no matter how many times I tried it. The tantrum is a version of a backflip where you completely extend and let go of the roe with one hand to help with the rotation. There were times where I would land the trick, but I wouldn’t have the rope in my hand. Or there would be other times where I would just not even come close. Practicing this trick over and over I was able to come closer to achieving it but by the end of summer I was still not able to prefect this trick.   


  1. Hey Will. I also faced a similar experience of failure, except not quite on the difficulty level of wakeboarding. I was trying to perfect a specific serve in ping pong, and like you, I performed the motions over and over but was always missing something in the end. I have yet to get it perfectly, but will continue to try even though it is slightly demoralizing.

  2. Hey Will,

    I understand how hard it can be to practice something multiple times and to still not be able to achieve the end result. I play the drums and there are some fills that I can practice day in and out but can still not achieve them successfully. I have found that by leaving it rest for a short period and then coming back to it after reviewing it in my mind I end up remembering more than I think I did. My failure this semester was underestimating my classes difficulties but I have bounced back so I sure you can achieve your trick as well.

    Thanks, Zach L.

  3. Will,

    I like that you used something of failure as it relates to your venture concept. I believe that a lot of things just take a matter of practice and progress to be able to accomplish it. It is similar to how even a restaurant business would run.
