Friday, November 10, 2017

23A – Your Venture’s Unfair Advantage

1). Different brands of boards.
V: Valuable because some shops can only sell certain products.
R: Rare in a way that companies can only sell specific products.
I: Other companies can inimitable these boards.
N: Other resources cannot provide substitutes because of the difference in each board.

2). Being located near lakes and other bodies of water.
V: Somewhat valuable because people can drive to water but that would be an inconvenience.
R: Rare because most of my market would be located around me.
I: Not hard to copy by others. They can open a shop wherever they please.
N: Some companies could provide the same resources at different locations.

3).  Having a trustworthy and hardworking team.
V: This is extremely valuable because I know I can count on them to do their best.
R: Not rare because most employee teams are trustworthy.
I: It is not hard for other companies to copy these teams.
N: Others could have the same attributes and characteristics that my employees have.

4). Having a sponsored rider as a worker.
V: Very valuable because he will help bring in business and new products.
R: extremely rare because he could get materials that other companies can’t.
I: Other companies can hire sponsored riders, but it would be very expensive.
N: Every rider is different so they each bring their own unique views.

5). Jim and his shipping warehouse.
V: Very valuable because he will be able to get my products shipped near me.
R: it is rare because of the location.
I: Other companies could do this, but it would cost a lot of money to have them near one another.
N: you cannot really find this at a different store.

6). Mike as a member of my executive team.
V: Extremely valuable because of the knowledge that he has.
R: He is rare because of owning his own shop.
I: Cannot replace him and his experiences.
N: Other companies cannot replicate this.

7). Wide range of boots and bindings.
V: Valuable because some people will always want to try out new products.
R: Rare because some companies only carry certain items.
I: Other companies can copy this at a cost.
N: Other products and services cannot match the feel of each different binding.

8). Trying out the product beforehand.
V: Very valuable because you can still return it when finished.
R: Rare because of the fact of being able to return it.
I: other companies could adopt this policy.
N: Other products cannot compare to actually riding the product.

9). Pro advice on each board.
V: Very valuable because of the knowledge on the product.
R: Rare because of the different products.
I: Other companies can hire people who know the materials.
N: Cannot compare to actual experience riding the board.

10). Having an optional demo of each board.
V: Very valuable because only certain products can usually be demoed.
R: Rare because its all products not a few.
I: Other companies could start to widen the number of products they demo.
N: Other products cannot compare to the board or bindings of your choice because of the feel.

The most important asset would be having a pro rider on my team. All of the knowledge and experience that he has cannot amount to just an average employee. They know everything about every product.


  1. Hey Will,

    I think that many of the assets that you listed would prove very valuable and definitely apply to the VRIN principles. I do believe that you chose the correct choice for your most important asset. By having a pro rider on your team your reputability will be solidified from day one. I also had a similar asset listed but I felt that one pertaining to marketing was more beneficial in my market.

    Thanks, Zach L.

  2. Hey Will. I first off like how clear and to the point your VRIN analysis is. While doing mine I was struggling to think of assets I have, and then it got really convoluted and drawn out. I also think that a pro rider on your team is definitely a really strong asset. Similar to what you talked about in one of the recent assignments, you know a few people in businesses that are very compatible with what you are doing, and those are definately great assets as well.

  3. Will,
    I think all of the advantages that you talked about will be helpful in setting you apart from the rest of the entrepreneurs. I agree that having a pro rider on your team is a huge advantage. This would allow someone who has many fans/followers to endorse your product and it would be great publicity for the general public to find out about it.
