Friday, November 10, 2017

22A – Elevator Pitch No. 3

After reading the comments on my posts I could see that there were things that that I could add to improve my overall pitch. There were things that I kept the same because both comments said that they liked the information that I had. All of the feedback that was left was very helpful in the final pitch. There were things that I changed but the information that I had I could memorize it easier. I was more comfortable in front of the camera because of taking the videos before. I feel like this last pitch was probably my best one. All of the information came easier in this one and I was able to cover the topic better.


  1. Hey Will,

    I think that you definitely improved on this pitch as it was attention grabbing, informative, and convincing. I really felt as though you were more comfortable in front of the camera and I know I felt this way as well. After doing a project like this for three times I definitely feel more prepared and it sounds like you do as well. I hope you keep up the improvement.

    Thanks, Zach L.

  2. Hey Will. You really seem like you have the pitch down pretty well. You spoke clearly and caught interest throughout the pitch, and also described what your service would be to customers. I personally didn't memorize my pitch too well even after the first two, but did feel more comfortable presenting it. All in all it think you did really improve since your first pitch. Great job.
